
AMPS is a student government group, representing all APAM graduate students and working to enhance their experience at Columbia. Our mission is primarily focused on:

  • Planning social, academic, and professional events
  • Building community between Master's and PhD students, faculty, and alumni
  • Advocating on behalf of students with the department and the school
  • Communicating with students about topics relevant to them in the broader community

All our meetings are open to all APAM graduate students and can be found on the calendar page. To become more involved, join a committee to assist the executive board members in this work, or run for an executive board position.


July 21, 2023

Mid-summer APAM Friday

For those grad students, professors, and summer research interns who are working over the summer, we held a department social with delicious Caribbean catering!

May 19, 2023

Happy Summer!

Congratulations to all APAM students for completing the spring semester and to those who finished their qualifying exams! We celebrated at a rooftop bar in Morningside Heights.